Paraíso Villa Esperanza / Yenny Bermúdez - Colombia

Cotton Candy,
Violet Perfume.

Origin Colombia
Producer Yenny Bermudez
Process Double Anaerobic Fermentation, Thermal Shock, Washed
Region Tambo, Cauca
Variety Castillo
Altitude 1870 masl
Suggested for Filter

The Project
Yenny Esperanza Bermudez, founding partner of Finca El Paraíso Villa Esperanza, born in Bolívar Cauca, professional in law, is the older sister of 4 brothers who started a new lifestyle thanks to coffee
Finca El Paraiso Villa Esperanza was acquired in 2009 with the purpose of generating a family business integrating new generations.
The farm has an extension of 27 Hectares (270,000 m2) and is located at 1,700 metres above sea level, in the Municipality of Tambo, Cauca.
In this area we find climatic characteristics classified as warm and temperate, with an average temperature of 18 °C.

The Coffee
Step 1: Harvesting 95% mature grain
Step 2: Washed with ozonated water and ultraviolet light
Step 3: Anaerobic fermentation in steel tank for 48 hoursat 18°C
Step 4: Pulping, anaerobic fermentation in steel tank for 48h at 21°C
Step 5: Heat shock to eliminate any microorganisms present
Step 6: Machine drying byair circulation for 24-28h at 34°C

Diego Samuel focusses his energy in having coffee processing protocols that are for the large part replicable, and importantly, reveal flavours and sensations from his coffees that would normally remain muted or unrevealed due to more traditional processes.
This involves Diego and his team going to great lengths in his double fermentation thermal shock processes and leaving nothing to chance. By the use of isolated cultures, bacteria, and yeasts, Diego can influence the normally muted coffee flavours, augmenting the flavours into an experience that up until very recently were unheard of in the coffee word.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.